Buy Battlefield 1: Early Enlister Deluxe Edition for Xbox One 14633371215 | eBay
Battlefield 1: Early Enlister Deluxe Edition for Xbox One 14633371215 | eBayGet This Deal

Battlefield 1: Early Enlister Deluxe Edition for Xbox One 14633371215 | eBay
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First the graphics are out of this world. Nice and you are pushing the frostbite engine to an amazing level. The gameplay is extremely smooth very realistic. The sounds are truly amazing to hear the bullets from a sniper rifle halfway across the field popping a zit barely Miss really draws you into the realism of the game. Somehow this game gets you to truly feel the hopelessness of room to room fighting and trench warfare. There’s one mission where you’re attacking a fortress in the Alps and it seems like the enemy just keeps popping up from everywhere and at that point you realize truly how many bodies they must have sent at one of these fortresses in order to obtain it. The best aspect of this game is how is a squad of five works together how quickly you can rack up the points and gain levels. With the different classes if you mix an assault support medic and Scout you can really hold down in the area. First a group of I was able to lay down a tremendous amount of Fire. Secondly with the group together if somebody goes down the medic can revive them as well as healing all the squad mates. when everybody throws their grenades and runs out of ammunition the support can throw down a crate and recharge everybody. The only way the enemy can infiltrate is if they come in with a group of five or somehow send artillery fire on you. Absolutely hopeless to attack a squad of 5 one unit at a time. It may take awhile but eventually you’ll learn to team up with your squad and stay close. The environment is truly amazing the amount of damage you can do I mean you can bring a house a three-story house to the ground there’s a windmill then you can bring them to the ground you can leave huge craters throughout the map and drive tanks through walls through buildings over trees it’s just absolutely amazing game.

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